Electrical Safety Testing
Have you ever struggled to understand your responsibilities, or the requirements on you and you business under the electrical regulations? Do you really need to test the fixed electrical installation in your premise? What needs to be PA Tested, and how often? What paperwork should you have in the folder? Is it correct? Is your Risk Assessment up to date? Are you meeting the terms the insurers are asking for?
We are here to help. You're great at what you do - let us do what we're great at, and take away all the question marks around Electrical Safety and Compliance
We'll do a full review with you to understand your needs, and help plug any gaps.
Electrical Installation Condition Reports
All fixed electrical installations should be regularly inspected and tested, to ensure their continued safety and appropriateness for use. Things wear out, degrade, and the requirements and strains we put on our installations change over time.
At regular intervals, installations should be inspected and tested, and a certificate called an Electrical Installation Condition Report, or EICR, should be produced. This is much like the MOT on a car - it will show at that moment in history, the condition of the installation, and defects, or issues that could impact the continued use or safety of that system. This enables you to ensure you are compliant, and fix any potential problems.
It is the best way to show you are taking your duties as a business seriously and are ensuring compliance to the legal requirements you must adhere to.
In-Service Electrical Appliance Testing - PAT
PA Testing is something of a staple for our team. We generally test circa 2,000+ items for clients regularly every week.
Under the latest version of the Regulations around appliance testing, the onus shifted away from the Electrician, and over to you as the principle duty holder for your school, business, or letting. You now need to review how every electrical device in your organisation is used, by who, how often, and then determine yourself via a documented Risk Assessment the frequency of testing.
We're here to help. We can guide you through the process, offer advice from are many years of experience, and put in place a process to complete the testing on time and in budget.
We look after clients with many thousands of electrical assets, though to clients with just a handful or items.
Thermal Imaging
Shutting the power off to a server room or data centre could take down the IT infrastructure and communications of a whole office or company. Shutting down a machine on a production line could halt production within a whole factory.
One solution to this DC Group provides its clients, is thermal imaging surveys.
Using the latest thermal imaging cameras, and training our engineers in thermography, allows us to literally see through the covers and look inside the installations and devices at the inner workings, all without touching the device.
Using this completely non-intrusive technique allows us to leave the systems live and working all while we’re able to get a good understanding of its current condition. We can verify that the installation or device is working within its designed temperature range without disturbing it. Where something looks suspect, this can then be the justification to shut down just that element of an installation to complete further investigations and tests, but while leaving all the other areas intact and operational.